Thursday, April 2, 2009

What a week so far!

This week seems to have flown by & I feel like I have had the wind knocked out of me by it! I couldn't tell why I feel this way but I do, I feel like we haven't stopped all week!

Pat was home since last Thurs cause he hurt his back,him being home on a week day always messes up my schedules. My cleaning schedule, my Taylor schedule, my DVR schedule (he likes to hit the stop recording buttons), my nap schedule, ALL MY SCHEDULES. When he is home I have a huge honey do list that I just want him to get done & then I get mad when he does it cause I want to spend time with him. Wow, I really AM a pain in the ass!! Took me to see it in writing to actually know this, better late than never, probably not going to change it though.

So we got the car Monday that was a day of hell driving around the city.. 10 miles takes an hour & a half.. NO JOKE! We didn't get home till 9:30 pm from the city, the we had to get Lissi from Savannah's & she still had to do her homework.. UGH

Tuesday we spent the day of cleaning & organizing our winter chaos in the house & outside the house! I finally got him to take out the damn wood stove pipe from the window, had I known the mess he would make in the foyer doing it, I probably wouldn't have pushed so much about it. Cleaned out the closets, Alyssa's room & closet, scrubbed living room, bedrooms & dining room from top to bottom. Did literally 12 loads of laundry, wash & scrubbed the car inside & out, cleaned up the leaves outside with my new fancy leaf blower.. I thought it was funny that I had to teach Pat how to use it & then we went to Meg & Ant's to help them pack up their apartment for the BIG MOVE to their very own HOUSE!! Woot Woot for Meg & Ant!!

Weds Pat & I pretty much did NOTHING. We were both exhausted from Tues. I think I managed about 2 naps when Pat was not napping, with Taylor we are on rotating nap schedules now, 2 loads of laundry, it never ends people, gave Taylor a bath, watched everything in my DVR, not so exciting, helped Alyssa with her homework, made her spaghetti & butter, got her in the shower, then ate Fillet Mignon with Pat & off to bed we went.

Today he was back to work so I was beautifully woken at 3 am by the damn alarm clock, then up again at 5 with Taylor, got Lissi to school, went to my Mom's job to drop off the family pics of me & siblings with my kiddies, took Taylor to the doctor, 17 lbs 8oz, 26 inches, 3 shots, went to my job & officially resigned today, cleaned out my desk said goodbye to everyone, filled out the forms to ensure that the kids all have health insurance now that mine will no longer be in effect, made the bed, separated the stuff I offered on so the people could pick it up tomorrow, did dishes, called YMCA about camp for Alyssa, filled out camp forms, argued with Danny over camp price, talked to Tori, started Lissi on her homework & it's now 5:43 pm. What the heck should I make for dinner?

Tomorrow Miss. Tori is coming over to sleep over finally!! Then Saturday we have to get Bertha inspected, then down to LI for some family festivities!! I am tired just thinking about it.

I have yet to finish any of my crafty projects.. Thanks to the rain & Pat being home.. LOL.


LaDolcevitaM6 said...

Combined with my own anxiety issues and reading about your week...I damn near had a panic attack. lol. You don't know how much I appreciate all of your help on Tuesday though, you are the bestest!! Now I need to borrow you again for the unpacking & organizing part of it all..can you fit me into one of your schedules? Love you!!! xoxox

Lay said...

I of course can!! Unpacking & organizing a house is almost orgasmic for me!! I love to clean, organize & see a house come together!! To be able to do it with my friend who I call my sister, at our pace with I would hope a bottle of wine.. I am looking foward to it!! I love you as well, but that goes without saying!