Monday, April 6, 2009

Mom Truths

I was watching an episode of Oprah today. It was a bunch of mom's & they were all speaking the unspoken truths of exactly how moms feel but never say aloud afraid of being judged.

Some had funny tidbits, some were real emotions but all were relateable. As I was watching this I was thinking about some of the things I do just to get a moment to myself. Lately I have taken up eating in the bathroom. How do I explain this as not to sound nuts.. When Taylor cries I feel compelled, as I should, to immediately pick her up & calm her. This sometimes prevents me from eating a meal all day or eating it in one sitting uninterrupted.... So I realized that if I am in the bathroom going to the bathroom that it is allowed for her to cry guilt free for a moment because I have to pee.... The bathroom is like a "safe zone" from guilt. So I have taken up eating on the bench in the entrance way of the bathroom. This brings me in the safe zone from guilt & when Pat is home it is an allowed absence that draws up no questions. He of course does not know I do this. I too find this odd & frankly in perspective not very sanitary. But I know my bathroom is clean & that is how desperate I am to have 5 whole minutes to sit, interrupted which allows me to inhale a meal.

They also mentioned on the show a popular mom blog which I have started to read. It is very funny... as well as a series of books written by moms about moms, real moms, not these picture perfect TV moms that we all try to portray. The first book is "I was a really good mom before I had kids" ! So I of course ordered a copy on Amazon. I am going to do it one book at a time because I am also attempting to read "Excuse me, your life is waiting" which was a recommendation from Megan. I have successfully managed to get through 21 pages in 2 weeks. Taylor tries to eat the book if I have her on my lap while reading, so this has made it difficult along with my feeling of total exhaustion from not having a good night sleep in oh well over a year now thanks to my pregnancy & my little monkey!

I just thought it was so refreshing to hear that I am not alone in my feelings. That I am not the only one who is exhausted, frustrated, overwhelmed at times. That I am not the only one who has guilt about not being able to "do it all". Apparently WE ALL feel that way, we just never say it because we fear we will be judged by who else but other moms. The moms that we presume to have it all together. Guess what!! They don't either. So breathe my mommy friends.. We are all feeling the same thing! We all need 5 whole minutes alone, whether it be locked in a bathroom, faking a headache, making up reasons to do laundry right this second, your husband is home? Now you magically need an item at the store immediately while he watches the baby or whatever your little secret is to get 5 minutes to yourself. WE ALL DO IT!!

Thinking about it now, I believe I inherited the bathroom trait from my mother. She was always locking herself in the bathroom, with a book, without a book, I bet she even had snacks hidden in the potty... LOL. But she did what she needed to to get her 5 whole minutes ( usually it was like an hour) but now I understand her needed " bathroom breaks" & I commend her for taking them!

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