Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Meet Big Bertha....

Oh yes, the day has come!! My dear beater is on vacation in Queens, Sally the mustang is on sabbatical in Long Island, but Big Bertha is in WESTBROOKVILLE. Why do we call her Big Bertha you ask? Cause she is a big ol' bitch. We toyed around with Priscilla, but Big Bertha was most appropriate for the new truck....

She is HUGE. I was afraid to even drive her while we were in Queens. I have driven her now though & love love love her! I feel like I am in a tank & the kids are 10 miles behind me, but I don't think I can ever go back to a 4 door sedan. This is just too roomy & too comfortable! She even tells me how many miles exactly I have left till I run out of gas, which is good cause Pat & I loved to take chances with the other car, what direction I am facing which is always interesting, how cold it is outside, mpg for the gas, & more! There are so many buttons I have no idea what half of them do but I will learn. The radio works which is a plus because my past 2 cars it didn't & I was ready to rip my hair out listening to the same Cd's over & over, I can even hook up my ipod!! So I am a happy lady.. I cant wait to drive it back down to the island this weekend!

1 comment:

LaDolcevitaM6 said...

Congrats! I am so happy for your new addition lol. May you and Bertha have many years of transportation bliss together. And may we have many trips to the beach. xoxoxo