In what era or time period would you want to visit or live?
This is an easy one for me... The roaring 20's... I love, adore, this era. Everything about it from the clothes to the music. The sophistication that both the men & women had. The way of life, the simplicity of life. The beauty of the towns with the cobblestone streets, the fun of the speakeasy's... Even the style of the hair, makeup, furniture, men in suits & hats...
There was no cell phones or video games or tv's... You actually had to find entertainment and it was good, fun, entertainment like the movies or the fair or the beach, dinner parties, even just taking a walk together. Life was simpler then, safer, happier.
This is when a lady was treated like a lady & man played the role of the man. Kids knew how to be kids, they didn't grow up so fast, they played & had imaginations...
Anytime I see something on tv or hear of a book that pertains to this era.. I have to get a look at it. I feel drawn to it.
If reincarnation exists... I bet I am from that time, I bet I had the time of my life then... Maybe that's why I love it so much.
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