We walked down Pine kill Road towards 209... We walked along the creek (stream?) ah hum, water, cause that is my favorite part of living here. I used to spend lots of money to come upstate for the weekends just to see that, & now it's right outside my front door. So we left at noon & I figured we would walk down Pine kill till 1 then turn around... the walk was easy & the scenery was beautiful & the sun felt fabulous on my face. Taylor was loving it too. Little squeals of excitement, wide eyes & smiles. As we were walking I was thinking, who gets to see this in LI when they take their kid out in the carriage? This is gorgeous!!
We stopped & looked at the water (since we don't know the correct terminology), I took a few pictures, she had a bottle, we picked some pine cones, since they are my favorite thing to use as decorations at Christmas time. I was laughing at myself because I used to spend so much money on Pine cones every year & here on our walk was more than I could ever think of what to do with. So we filled the whole basket under the carriage with some nice ones!!
We made it down to a little bit before the one lane bridge when 1 came & we turned around. Now at this point I had made a mental note that converse are stylish yes, but not good for walking.. My toes were numb. Upon walking back I was starting to realize that the walk home, not so easy.. Sun was still fabulous, scenery still gorgeous, Taylor still happy, breathing a little harder... sweating, ah crap, the whole walk home is little hills you never notice driving, but I felt them walking. I pushed on... what choice did I have. We of course took a few more detours & rests on the side of the road to "take pictures" & " look at the water" than we had going down the road. I was at this point cursing myself for smoking my whole life & being so damn out of shape. My brother in law runs up & down this road like its as easy as taking out the garbage.. I envy his lungs... I can barely walk it for 2 hours... LMAO.
So we make it back, the house is in view & I feel proud, proud that I did what I had set out to do, proud that I have yet to collapse, proud that I took advantage of this gorgeous day & didn't let the fact that there are no sidewalks scare me, proud that I got Taylor out of the house & in the sunshine, proud that even on my walk I saved money by picking up some pine cones! Then I see my driveway... Ugh... I don't know if you know what my driveway looks like, but here is a picture.. It's steep & long especially when you can barely breathe. But instead of walking, I ran, I pushed the carriage up it running just to prove that I could ( & to get to the top as fast as possible). Then we sat, mommy sat, or you could say threw herself down on the porch steps laughing at how out of shape I am. Taylor was smiling too cause she thought me trying to catch my breath was hilarious!!
But tomorrow at noon... we will be out there again!! Tonight I will be calling the NY quit line for free nicotine patches... Today's walk taught me it's time to attempt to quit!!
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