I want to clean the yard, the house, all the closets, rearrange the furniture, start planting, break out the patio furniture, get the BBQ ready....
I have talked Mr. Bloom into holding off on buying a house for at least a year until we have a CRAP load of money in the bank rather than "enough". Hopefully for our sake the market will keep going down.. Fingers crossed!! So with that decided I now want to get outside & get this yard cleaned up for lots of summertime activities, I am hoping!
Anyways, I have been spending as much time outside with the baby & Lissi as poss
So I had this ugly wooden chair sitting by my front door painted ugly brown that I have been wanting to spray paint white for like a year, so I finally got to it yesterday. I always intended on leaving it outside so I wanted it to look worn & beat up, weathered, if you will. So once that was done, ( I have to do it once more today now that its dry) I threw the copper vase on it with some of my pine cones from my walks with Taylor in it, grabbed the wooden bird, a wicker basket which is pretty beat ( I am still thinking if I want to paint it or not) threwsome more pine cones in that & viola... a pretty little piece by my front door. All for a total of $6 bucks for the chair, the vase & the bird. I had the spray paint left over from the branches that we never did for the wedding.
That's the only thing I love about the thought of being home. I get to try & do all the things I have always wanted to do. I get to make memories with the kids. I want Lissi & Tori to help me plant a garden & then it can be theirs to show off to everyone. Pat is already getting his veggie garden itch, he was talking about it last night. I was outside yesterday restacking the stones around the gardens & cleaning out the leaves. Now if I could just get him to take the wood stove pipe out of the damn window........
I am also getting a burn barrel from my mom so I can get rid of all these leaves.. I cant believe how much we have. A burn barrel & a leaf blower. That will help take care of most of the ugly.
I tried to rake for like 3 hours yesterday but it seemed like I got nothing accomplished except blisters!
Anyways those are my projects for now. I hope to go to more yard sales this weekend with my mom to see what I can find... I will post once my "refurbs" are completed!
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