Oh how I loved you, you came into my life unexpectedly & with resistance on my part but you did get me from point A to point B, all the while you had me staring at the temp gage praying you didn't overheat of course, but you served your purpose. You were a good little old car. You took me to the stores, to get the mail, formula, to pick Alyssa up from school when she was sick, Taylor to all her doctor's appointments in Middletown, mine in Milford, you even got me up our hellish driveway when it wasn't plowed. You made sure I made it to Christmas with my family, the city for 4 weekends in a row to plan & throw Taylor's baptism, to welcome the whore home from Iraq, you were easy to parallel park for you don't take up much room, you took me to my mom's, my in-laws, you have had your trunk packed to the max, you have been stuck in a ditch, dirty, put to your limits, laughed at & ridiculed but you still came through. You aren't the prettiest thing to look at but you are loved. You are silent for your radio doesn't work & the speakers are blown mak
Love your former daily driver,
** I get my new truck this weekend.. Woot Woot!! Pics to come soon**
haha that is so funny! oh the beater...shall it love its life as a commuter car. lol. i can't wait to see your new truck! did you decide which one you're getting?
NOoo... Spending a large amount of $ is proving to be very difficult. We are kinda tight fisted with it & are holding out for what I dont know. You will be the first house I drive to with the new car dont you worry!!
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