Friday, December 19, 2008

Update on Taylor's Ears...

So we went for our second round of ear tests. This one was more "involved" than the other. This time I was allowed in the room.

If this one was "involved" I would hate to see how UN- involved the other one was.

It was seriously 2 seconds long one plug thingy in each ear, a ear checker scope thing to look in the ears, another tubey thing in her ears...... and we were told .......Left ear 100% of her hearing. Right ear she has a little but only 6%. But at least she has a little. The lady that did the test told me that was a good thing & it is something that more than likely can be corrected with either surgery or tubes when she is a little older. She wouldn't specify more or go into further details because she is not an ENT doctor, she just performs the test. She did mention it could possible effect her speech when she begins talking, but that doesn't always happen.

So I was shuffled out to the receptionist, given a # for an ear, nose & throat doctor to discuss further steps, asked for my pediatricians # so they can fax over the results & I was off.

I felt a little bewildered upon leaving, with more questions than when I went in. To these people it is just a normal thing to me it is my child....

But I am not taking her to the ENT they recommended. My uncle is an audiologist & I am going to take her to him for both a second opinion & because I trust him more & know he will do everything he can for her & he will recommend the best doctors he knows & trusts.

I will keep everyone updated after our next appointment in January.

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