Well today my husband & I went down to the elementary school to see my daughter & my step daughter march in the parade. What an interesting trip that was. My car (the family car) is in the shop...timing belt, my husbands car, a convertible sports car was our mode of transportation, not good. So of course there is no middle seat belt, so the baby rear facing car seat went behind me, which left me practically praying that we didn't get into an accident cause I was pretty much sitting on the dash board & if the windshield didn't kill me the airbag would have shattered my face. So that made for an interesting ride & the conversation of "Babe it's time to let go of this car & get a 4 door" followed by Pat saying "beat it" which is his way of tell me No. Beat it always means no... Another pat-ism.
So we get to the parade, since we barely fit the baby in the car, you know that the carriage was sitting at home. So we had to park in bumblefuck & walk the baby to the school, through wet almost swampy grass - ( bad time for ballet flats) finally we get there. First comes Tori my step daughter, a cute little army chick... Hugs & kisses for Tori & a quick picture... Then comes Alyssa....
Now Alyssa is into all these goth type of costumes lately though you wouldnt know it by looking at her. She is blonde, green eyed, tall & thin & dresses like she just walked out of an Abercrombie ad... but today she was in a black & white cheerleading outfit with a skull on it, with black knee high boots (her grandmother's purchase - not mine). Basically she was a zombie, bad ass cheerleader.
This morning -
Me: Alyssa put on your black long sleeved shirt, you can't show your stomach at school & it's going to be chilly out.
Alyssa: ok
Me: You heard me right.. you better wear the shirt underneath you costume, you cant have your stomach showing at school. (Now its been said twice)
Alyssa: I will I promise
So back at the parade... I see her teacher, then I hear "Mom I am right here", totally missed her walking past me.. then I see it, her stomach... belly button & all... I of course immediately say
"Where is your shirt" & she replies " oh I forgot it when I changed into my costume ( they changed into them at school) which sparked the mom look from me & then was followed by Alyssa putting her arms around her stomach to cover her belly button.
Remind you she is 8. Now I am a cool mom, very laid back & open, I am only 27, but I have my limits & that is one of them. I was very disappointed in her for totally disregarding what I said.
I am over it now, but thought it was funny that she is at that age where she is trying to be sneaky & find her own self & is beginning to challenge me on things. Though I hope she is only half of how I was to my mom cause I dont think I have the energy for someone like me... Though I know my mom cursed me with the " I hope you have one just like you" when she was born.
Anyways so Miss. Taylor my little munchkin was a little butterfly.. She did not go trick or treating though because it is too cold out, plus I couldn't bare another ride in Daddy's car to go to the manor where the tricks & treating take place.
Luckily enough, Alyssa's friend mother took Alyssa & her friend down there to get candy, which I plan on finding a few pieces that " dont look so good" ( I know my mom used to pull that crap with us, cause it was always the same brand of candy every year that didnt look right) so I can eat them later.
Halloween is a bad time to be recovering from pregnancy & trying to eat healthy. I will have to plan the next baby away from Halloween. I lost all the baby weight already but I figure I have a head start so why not get super skinny before summer is right around the corner. Plus my butt is going to the beach as much as possible this summer, I have 2 summers worth of tans to catch up on. Anyways....
Happy Halloween, hope everyone gots lots of candy & had fun!!
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