Friday, October 12, 2012

Chris Botti

When I am upset I listen to Chris Botti, the song that calms me the most is Thousand kisses deep. It just takes me to a time and place when I couldn't imagine a day that wouldn't be like that time in my life. I thought the sky was the limit and I was soaring.

So today in a low, in a funk, I turned it on, closed my eyes and allowed myself to go there. To that place, to that time. It's so funny how it is all so clear, so right there, every detail, even the feeling of warmth that over took me at that point. This method allows me to breathe, to regroup, to just remember who I was and what I wanted for my life. What I deserve in my life, what everyone person deserves.

It also made me remember a couple of little somethings that someone so long ago wrote to me:

If only I could touch you, and all the things I have come to know would flow through you.
Then you would understand who it is you are to me and how even after all this time, you speak to my soul.


The words come slowly some days, not because I careless for you, but because I care so much more.  What I feel runs deep in the quiet places where only you could travel with me.
How does one find the words to write of a part of one's soul that has been give to another.


As I am your rock, you are my ocean. I love your ever changing ways and inconsistency like the wave, strong but so fragile at the same time. You make my life whole like salt water that would fill every tiny crevice of jar filled with sand. Life is interesting because no day is ever exactly the same, just like the changing of the tides.

Today is a Chris Botti day. It's all I have left.

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